Selepas sesi shopping-shopping dekat IOI City Mall minggu lepas, kitaorang decide tuk lepak2 kejap, rehatkan kaki dan basahkan tekak sikit. Hehehe. Anak2 pun ngadu penat. Cheh. Lama wei x shopping, so bila dapat shopping, terus rasa best. Hahaha. Poyo kan. Sebenararnya takde plan pun nk makan sini. X tau pun sebenarnya kewujudan kedai ni. Time lalu tu, nampak ada couple tengah makan waffle kaler hitam. Terus usha menu lepas tu.. Then terus ajak husband minum petang santai-santai jap dekat situ. Apa nama kedai ni --> Inside Scoop
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Some info on Inside Scoop (Info from their web)
Inside Scoop started churning ice cream in 2013, in a cosy store in Bangsar. Noticing a gap in the premium ice cream market where it was predominantly served by international chains, we set out to make great ice cream that is inspired by our Malaysian taste buds, eating experiences (which is a fair bit!) and current trends.
We opened our doors with 16 flavours, but we are constantly testing out new ice cream flavours and we now have way more than 31 flavours (actually more than 70!) on rotation.
At Inside Scoop, only the best ingredients goes into our ice cream. The fresh milk that we use is churned into ice cream within a couple of days of the cows being milked, our durians are carefully sourced from Raub (yes – going on durian eating trips is actually part of the job!), our tea is from Cameron Highlands, and our traditionally made gula melaka comes from Melaka.
Sekarang terdapat banyak outlet diseluruh negara. Boleh check the full list of outlet dekat sini ye : Click HERE
Terdapat pelbagai choice waffle. Ada Charcoal, Banana, Nutella & Salted Egg Yolk. Boleh pilih yang special edition jugak, which is their Peanut Butter Jelly or Choc tapi I nk try their Nutella Waffles with two scoops of ice cream. Choice of ice cream kat kedai tu yang buat I dan anak-anak teruja. Tp memandangkan I bawak anak-anak2, so last2 choice anak2 la, kalo x, buat drama pulak dekat situ. Sabo je la. Tp time tu, pekerja dia rajin memberi I sample. I dapat la rasa Ferrero Rocher Ice Cream, Cookies & Cream, Teh Tarik, Unicorn, Milo Dinosaur..banyak gak I cuba. Last2 kitaorang pilih Unicorn & Milo Dinosaur tu. Unicorn ni masam sikit coz rasa ada berries dalam ni. So orang dewasa suka la. Anak I suka coz kaler dia cantik Cheh. Xpe, mama habiskan yang ni. Hahaha
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Sampai jer, semua berebut. Waffles dia seriously memang sedap. Rasa ke'nutella'an dia. Memang crunchy. Baru lepas masak kan. So hot plus cold, memang combo yang best la. Ice Cream dia memang membantu menyedapkan lagi. Rasa sekelip mata habis. Maklumla, lima tangan kan. Memang nk repeat balik la kedai ni. Sedap wei. I ada jugak order Café Latte dia. Perghh, pekat. Nasib I x pening. Hahaha.
Tempat lepak dia pun agak comel jer. Kalo dating berdua, still romantik gak rr..leh suap2 ice cream n waffles..gitu ❤❤
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So kalo tetibe craving nk ice cream with waffles, this is the place. Satu level dengan Food Court, berdekatan juga, bersebelahan dengan Juice Work.
Happy Weekend u ols.
Happy Weekend u ols.
Address : S-K3,Second Floor IOI City Mall, Lebuh IRC, IOI Resort City